Events 2021-2023

On 18th March 2023 we held a Coffee Morning in order to raise money for the Earthquake Appeal. We were amazed at how many people turned out - and everyone was pleased to donate, as well as buy, eat & drink, and have a good time!

We celebrated the coming together of the three Methodist congregations from Boxted, Mile End and West Bergholt, to form The Well Methodist Church, at a special rededication service on Sunday 3rd July 2022. ‘Memories and Hopes’ was the theme of the service. The three congregations brought symbols which best represented them and offered them to the new church. Memories of the past and Hopes for the future were also expressed by members of the congregation. The service was followed by a Buffet Lunch. The Well Methodist Church was formed in September 2019 and the planned launch in 2020 was prevented by the Covid pandemic restrictions, but the congregation was determined that it should go ahead despite the delay!

We at The Well have operated a number of regular events for the Church and community. These have included the Shell Group (for children 7-11), Rainbow Toddler Group, Bible Study, House Group, Hymn Singing at Tall Trees Care Home and our regular monthly Charity Coffee Mornings which continue to be very popular.

One of the causes which is dear to our heart is Colchester Food Bank. Our members often save and donate food for the needy around our town, and we make a special effort at harvest time, when the Church is decorated with lots of produce which is on the Food Bank's list of most wanted items. They are always delighted to receive the goods, on behalf of their clients who are, of course, even more delighted to receive them.
St Michael’s was the local venue for Colchester on Friday 4th March 2022 for a World Day of Prayer Service . This is an annual service prepared by women from different countries throughout the world and is always held on the first Friday in March. This year’s service – “I know the plans I have for you” was prepared by women from England, Wales and Northern Ireland and was based on a passage from the prophet Jeremiah. The ecumenical service, led by Rev Hazel Greenland and ladies from various churches, focussed on people who were excluded due to poverty, fear and isolation but with time, their lives were changed to stories of hope. An addition to the service was the remembrance of the situation in Ukraine and the congregation were invited to light a candle in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The fellowship continued over refreshments served in the Parish Halls.

One venture we have been able to continue during Covid-19 has been MakeLunch Myland, where in the summer of 2021 we again supplied families with cooked meals each week on a Thursday during the holidays. Normally families come to the Methodist Church Hall for a hot meal during the school holidays but because of the coronavirus it was decided it was safer to deliver the meals to homes this year. Volunteers from the community and churches prepared and cooked the food on the premises, put them into containers suitable for a microwave, and then delivered them to the homes. About thirty meals (main course and a sweet) were delivered each week. MakeLunch Myland is grateful to all who volunteered and feedback from the families showed that the meals were very much appreciated. Here are photographs of just a few of all those helpers. Thank you, one and all!