We are delighted that you have found our website, and hope that you enjoy reading about us. Please feel free to contact us, and to pop in to any of our services and events.
We are a friendly congregation living in a quiet residential area of North Colchester, which is growing in size significantly in an exciting way. Our Church and Halls are in regular use for services and community events, and we play our full part in the life of the community. We look forward to meeting you!
Our Mission Statement
To work together to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in worship, nurture, service and witness. Our aims are to:
Increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
Help people grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
Be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
Make more followers of Jesus Christ
More Than a Church
The Well welcomes anyone who seeks to know God’s love,
and invite invite you to open your heart
and allow His grace to penetrate into your soul.
We are part of the growing community in Myland, and look forward to establishing a new worshipping community in the new development at Chesterwell. In the meantime, we worship in the present and pray and plan for the future, in the existing premises of Mile End Methodist Church, Nayland Road, Colchester.
It will be a great joy to welcome you as a visitor, enquirer or a regular member!